Sunday, November 13, 2011

our 3 day weekend

Justin had a 3 day weekend due to Veterans Day! Friday we spent the whole day in the emergency room then rushed home got ready in like 5 mins to go to my friend Steph's Birthday party, it was actually pretty fun we met alot of cool people and Justin was the life of the party, i havent seen him that wasted in a looong time at least a year lol he was dancing, singing, ran into a sliding glass door i got to carry him up the stairs and listen to him snore all morning haha! But he deserves it he hasnt let off some steam in a while. However i could of gone with out the attitude he had all day Saturday.

Saturday was a lazy day..then turned eventful some how Jax got ahold of extra strength tylonel gpt the child caps off and everything, we rused him to the ER and 6hrs, and an IV later his blood test was good turns out he didnt even eat any of the pills.. i dont think i have ever been so scared in my life and we sure did learn our lession about forgetting to put the medication in the cabnit im just sorry we had to learn it the hard way. Jax is always getting into everything i need to make sure im keeping both eyes on him from now on.

& today (Sunday) we are just kicking back.. Justin still has an attitude but im trying to ignore him lol the next couple of weeks are going to be busy, the USMC Birthday ball were going to my Aunts for Thanksgiving and then  December 19th to January 6th were going to be in cali so i will have lots to right about then :)

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