Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Get to know your blogger...

First off i love pictures i believe they can describe a situation better then words, so i will be including alot of pictures in my blogs :) I'm marred to a sexy Marine, hes my best friend and ever since i met him hes made my life better in so many ways were both 22 well i will be (Nov 3rd 2011) i would be lieing if i said we had the perfect relationship but its perfect for us! 
We have a handsome, funny, very smart son named Jaxsen Thomas Roark we call him Jax (after my fav show SOA) :) im lucky enough to get to spend every min of the day with my son he brightness up every situation when im said or feeling lonely he knows just the right things to do to make mommy smile.
Like the Typical Military family we have been apart for long periods of time. we went through our first Deployment together May2010-Dec2010 and if i might add we made that deployment our BITCH ;) daddy left when jax was a week old thank the lord that i have an amazing family and awesome friends who helped me through every hard day! 
 during the last week of the Deployment i had almost a life treating situation happen to me, i had an artery burst behind  my stomach and my stomach was slowly filling w/ blood for 7 months. Many trips to the ER, cats-scans, x-rays, U/S and NO dr. found anything, how no one saw a blood clot the size of a golf ball is beyond me, on December 8th i started to throw up uncontrollably (nothing new for me) but i was getting so dizzy and light headed i couldnt even make it from my bedroom to our bath room (witch was feet away) with out blacking out and falling to the ground, my mom noticed my vomit was a light pink and rushed me to the ER, after a EKG i was rushed into a bed and all the craziness began, i dont remember much i was on some heavy pain and anxiety medication, i do however remember getting a red cross message out to my husband who was in the middle of the OCEAN on a MEU coming home from his 7 month deployment. I couldn't imagine the thoughts running through my husbands head and how helpless he must have felt. They preformed a 3.5 hour surgery and repaired everything. i begged to leave the hospital early so i could at my husbands homecoming we surprised him :)  i now have a scar from the bottom of my breast bone to the top of my pelvic bone that will always be a part of me :)
 after my surgery i would LOVE to say im healthy and i have had no more issues or ER trips but that wouldnt be the truth.. i am in and out of the ER on a weekly bases after my surgery i got diagnosed with gastroparises with means my smaller intestines dont digest foods normally and causes horrible pain, its something i am going to have to live with for the rest of my life, there are NO medications that can manage it, i take nausea and pain medication every day some days are better then others. my husband is always there for me <3 i love him so much when u get married u say "for sickness and in health" but you never imagine what that means until your married to some one with an illness 
We moved from So-cal to VA what a freaking change this has been! from the weather to the people everything is different, its going to take some time for me to get used to the way things are now but this is just another stop in the crazy life of a Military family! 

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